MCF Market Watch


In the interest of keeping our clientele educated and well-informed in a trying economy, MCF issues bi-weekly market assessments.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Kicking the Greek Can Down the Road

Stock markets around the world surged dramatically last week with the news of the European Union’s Grand Plan (their name for it) of forgiving 50% of Greece’s sovereign debt. At first blush, it sounds like the sovereign debt crisis in Europe has been solved with this one decisive step. Reality is this will likely keep the euro alive for the next few weeks until the next crisis occurs.

I could bore you by explaining the three main elements of the plan: 1) the bank recapitalization proposal; 2) the Greek write-down of 50 percent of its debt; and 3) the proposed fund and leveraging system that is necessary to make it all work. Most of the details of how this is to be implemented have not yet been decided. It will take weeks to flesh out this plan.

But I can already envision you with a glazed look in your eyes trying to make sense of the preceding paragraph so what’s the point? And quite frankly I don’t blame you. It’s complicated!

So let’s break it down into bite size pieces that we can all understand.

1. The European sovereign debt crisis is not going away anytime soon. It is truly a crisis of epic proportion. There are no easy solutions. All of the possible alternatives to solving this crisis lead to a European banking crisis of varying severity. Shown below is a simplified but accurate version of the choices Europe can make to get through this crisis.

This chart by STRATFOR reminds me of one those convoluted Rube Goldberg-like mouse traps. Unfortunately you’ll notice that all paths lead to the same outcome: European Banking Crisis.

 2. It is going to require someone to step up and boldly lead at a time when statesmen are few and far between. It will also require a good amount of old fashion luck to make the right decisions because the path through this mess is not readily apparent.

3. You might be thinking, “Who cares about the Greek debt crisis? How does it affect me in the Pacific Northwest?” It is important to us because how well the Europeans handle this crisis will determine how significant an impact it will have on the world economy. You can already see how the stock markets of the world are reacting to any news good or bad about this crisis. More importantly will be the effect on our European trading partners. If their economies are adversely impacted it will adversely impact our exports, which means our economy will be affected.

Some may accuse me of being Chicken Little shouting, “The sky is falling” when in fact things are improving. Isn’t there evidence of an economic recovery in the U.S., albeit ever so slowly? Yes, thank goodness. But if we ignore the banking crisis in Europe we do so at our own peril. Now’s the time to think through the ramifications of how this crisis could impact you.

In some respects we are quite fortunate being in the commercial real estate industry as we are part of the solution for our clients to this crisis. If things progress over time as I expect, people will continue taking their money out of the stock market because of volatility and possibly because of declining stock prices. And the interest rates on bonds will continue to be meager. What’s left over to invest in? Commercial real estate, that’s what. The next decade could see the return of investors in a big way coming back into our industry.

 Source: Agenda: Issues Remain for the Eurozone Despite Its Grand Plan; STRATFOR, by Peter Zeihan, October 28, 2011.

Monday, October 17, 2011

First 9 Months 2011 Transaction Activity

The first 9 months of 2011 has come and gone!  From a sales standpoint how well did we do compared to previous years?  Shown below is the criteria we used to tabulate the results:

  • Sales information from the CoStar database
  • Transactions closed between January 1st and September 30th
  • Investment properties only (no owner user)
  • Property types - apartments, industrial, flex, office, retail, mixed use
  • Transactions with sales prices of $1 million or larger
  • Arms length transactions
  • Transactions located between Kelso, WA and Eugene, OR including Bend
Based on these criteria the chart below compares the sales activity for the first 9 months of 2011 with each of the preceding four years for the same time period.

As you can see, the sales activity for the first 9 months of 2011 has almost doubled from last year and is almost back to the same number of transactions recorded in 2008.  We are definitely on the rebound!

We then analyzed the 205 transactions by property type:

Multi-family and retail properties continue to dominate the property transactions but other property types are beginning to make their presence known.  All other property types represented 35% of the total sales transactions compared to 28% for the first 6 months of this year. 

Of the 205 transactions, 96 had brokers representing both sides of the transaction.  Forty-nine transactions had no broker representation.  The remaining 60 transactions had only one side of the transaction represented.

If you add it all up, there were a total of 156 broker paydays (2 x 96 + 60).  So if you want to know your personal market share of all the broker paydays divide your number of paydays by 156.  Shown below are the first 9 months lending sources for the 178 sales transactions where the lender was identified:

Seventy-three out of the 178 transactions (41%) were either all cash transactions, assumed the existing debt or were seller financed.  Only 105 transactions (59%) used conventional financing.  Of these, the vast majority were financed by banks 67 (64%). 

Thank goodness owners have to refinance their properties from time to time or most of the mortgage brokers would be out of business.

The sales transactions for the first 9 months of this year strongly suggests that commercial real estate is on the rebound.  Let's hope for all of our sakes that this trend continues into the foreseeable future.